Top 5 hackiest tropes in media analysis and presentation: * Cribbing aspects of the media itself * Talking about how you can do a thing but haven’t and then, in the edit, do the thing. * Not actually organizing thoughts into coherent and structured form * Being late and making it rushed * Starting a Top 5 list and then running out of things so you have filler
Yeah, I’m Mark and this is 2000’s High Fidelity. Let’s get this Hamletesque Annie Hall-like romcom on the road. To be fair the Annie Hall comparison brings a lot of baggage with it that is undeserved. But it’s more the deconstruction from a male-centric point of view that I mean. And also the main character slowly losing their mind. The Hamlet link is a reach–I just like alluding to it. Makes me feel like I learned something in school.
I feel like I really had Things To Say here but this month has been absolutely destructive to me. No thoughts head empty. So I’ll leave you with it. Oh, right! I didn’t mention how “High Fidelity” is the opposite of the infidelity that occurs and how that concept is defined. I won’t though. I’m exhausted.
Smooth Lovin’ Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
If you want to reach me, I’m @coolmarkd on Twitter.
A day late and a dollar short. Life, uh, finds a way (to kick Mark in the ass). A lot of stuff has happened that is personal in nature but here we are with Season 2 Episode 2 and Gone in 60 Seconds. For being extra rushed it’s actually extra long!
Check out Nic Cage being awesome but really check out the unsung heroes. Check out the things you overlooked. Check out these carssss.
You can always tweet @coolmarkd for feedback. That sound effect was $5 worth of sound design–ILM eat your heart out. I also didn’t include the album art in the file–let’s see if that works out.
Mark is going to go through 2002’s Men In Black II–sequel to the bangin Men In Black starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. This is a movie that follows big footsteps and has otherworldy themes and is a franchise that is maybe favored among the movies that Mark has seen.
It was really a hastily put together episode–not gonna lie–but it it was still super fun. Men In Black II is a movie that has a lot to give to the observant viewer and Mark goes through it with a fine-toothed comb (WE AINT FOUND S***).
As always you can contact Mark via twitter @coolmarkd and see other episodes of Mark’s Movie Collection on iTunes (Apple Podcasts), Google Play (Google Podcasts), Stitcher, Tunein, Podbean, and usually wherever podcasts are found due to their inclusion in the previous directories. They’re also available on
Do you like car chases and spy stuff? If so you’ll like Ronin. Probably. I like Ronin. I love Ronin. Ronin is my #3 favorite movie. There are car chases. And spy-like stuff. Heist-like stuff, too. You like heists, right? Don’t give me that face–I know you like heists. Spies doing heists? That’s even better.
I have the Ronin DVD but I watched it on Starz. It’s available for rent in a bunch of places. Tweet @coolmarkd and let me know what you thought.
Additionally Mark is going to be on theSUNSHINE SUMMIT 2019! The Sunshine Summit, hosted by Sunshine and PowerCuts’ Heather Welch. Mark will be appearing live March 12th at 8PM EST (March 13th 1PM NZT). You can see all of the info at!
Check your assets and make sure your station chief has the latest status reports because this is the Tony Scott-directed spy thriller aptly titled Spy Game. Spy Game is perhaps one of the better movies in terms of addressing what spies actually did.
Robert Redford and Brad Pitt hit up various locales, do various things, in a really cool movie that is very unlike the others in its cohort (it came out in 2001). This is a movie that I used to watch quite often so go ahead and give it a look-see.
The survival horror truck is rolling and it takes… Diesel. Vin Diesel, to be exact. Check out Vin Diesel’s launch to stardom in 2000’s Pitch Black–a survival horror Sci-Fi romp on an alien planet. Come on and watch this monster-filled dark romp through planet NuMetal (filmed in Australia) with Mark.
You can watch Pitch Black on STARZ or pick it up on Amazon. These are not affiliate links or anything–just trying to be helpful. Tweet @coolmarkd with what you thought of the movie.
The one where Mark takes a look at a movie that he hasn’t seen in like 15 years and has little recollection of. Get a blast from the early 00’s with Swordfish starring Hugh Jackman, John Travolta, and Halle Berry. Take a ride on this sexy, exotic thriller (that basically takes place entirely in LA) that was released in 2001. This is Mark’s Movie collection where Mark goes through his collection of DVDs, HD-DVDs, Blu-rays, and VHS tapes and talks about these movies that have been following him around.
Let Mark know what you thought about Swordfish. @coolmarkd on Twitter. You can stream Swordfish right now on Amazon Prime. This isn’t an affiliate link–just convenience to watch along.
Who are you? Who am I? Who is Jason Bourne? We’ll not really find out with this HD-DVD of The Bourne Identity! Together. I also know who I am. I’m Mark D: dad, IT guy, and generally bad movie nerd. Let’s fight assassins and hang out through Europe and do stuff.
With Jason Bourne. On Mark’s Movie Collection.
If you haven’t seen the Bourne Identity yet, you can check it out on Amazon. These aren’t affiliate links–watch it where ever you want but go ahead and watch it to avoid spoilers.